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Fix Cosmetic Concerns from Gum Disease

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, refers to an infection of the gum tissue that leads to inflammation and severe structural damage to your gums, teeth, and jaw. This infection will not go away on its own and requires periodontal therapy from your dental professional to eradicate.

Though your dentist can help you get rid of periodontal disease, it may leave you with lasting aesthetic concerns that can disrupt the appearance of your smile. Dr. Greg Reece, a dentist serving patients in Charlotte, NC, describes three cosmetic dental problems patients may notice when they have gum disease as well as the treatments that can resolve them.

How to fix Gum Disease issues and symptoms

Reverse Swelling and Puffiness in Gum Tissue

An infection in the gum tissue can lead to visible symptoms, such as redness and swelling in the gums. Patients may feel self-conscious if their gums appear puffy when they smile. Fortunately, in many cases, puffy gums will resolve after a dentist gets rid of the periodontal disease.

They can accomplish this by thoroughly cleaning your teeth and gums, especially deep in the gum pocket. If advanced periodontal disease has damaged your gum tissue, you may need further treatment to restore the structure and appearance of your gums, such as a gum graft.

Address Teeth Spacing Issues with Dental Bonding

As periodontal disease progresses, swelling and inflammation may cause your teeth to shift out of place. This could leave gaps in your smile that give the appearance of black triangles between your teeth.

Even after your dentist treats the infection, these spacing issues may remain. You can schedule a consultation with your dentist to determine the best way to amend lingering aesthetic concerns in your smile.

Your dentist may suggest teeth bonding treatment to fill gaps between your teeth resulting from periodontal problems. This cosmetic solution can also fix the look of a few crooked teeth.

Replace Missing Teeth with Dental Implants

Periodontitis is an advanced stage of gum disease in which the infection persists deep into the gum tissue to impact the tooth root and jawbone. As these parts of your mouth deteriorate, you could be at risk of losing the affected teeth.

Tooth loss may make patients feel embarrassed about the way that their smile looks. But missing teeth could also lead to further degeneration of their oral health without restorative treatment.

These patients can find long-lasting tooth replacements with dental implants. The fixtures can give patients a beautiful smile once again while also improving oral function and preventing additional dental damage.

Your implant dentist can determine if this is the right smile enhancement solution for you during an exam. Some patients may prefer a removable or less permanent appliance to restore their smile, such as dentures. For advice on treating periodontal disease and cosmetic concerns in your unique smile, call our office at 704-486-8911 or contact a member of our staff online.