New Patients 704-486-8911
Current Patients 704-596-6767
3014 Baucom Rd #100 Charlotte, NC 28269
Typically, when someone tells you they want the whitest teeth they can get you may have a conversation about staying within a "natural" shade. But when Eileen tells you she wants the whitest teeth possible, you listen. Eileen had always had worn teeth and has always wanted to have a bigger, brighter, whiter smile. She finally made that dream a reality! I was concerned that the teeth were going to be too white but when you have a personality and confidence that this wonderful patient does, it is no problem to pull it off. She made this process so much fun, while I was thrilled to see the final result I couldnt help but be a little sad we were done. But at least I get to see her twice each year!
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