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3014 Baucom Rd #100 Charlotte, NC 28269

Dentistry Of The Queen City Smile Gallery Amanda


This is another case of how addressing small details can have a large impact.    Do you notice the redness above the teeth beside the front teeth?  This is what happens when a crown is placed too close to the bone below the gum tissue.  Think about what it feels like if you get a popcorn hull under your gums, or something stuck under your fingernail, irritating isn’t it.

By addressing this little detail of making sure the restoration is an appropriate distance from the bone makes for happy, healthy gum tissue that is nice and pink and doesn’t bleed by just looking at it wrong.

Also, while we were replacing the two lateral incisors, the patient and I decided that enhancing the two front teeth would compliment the overall smile esthetics and decided on 4 restorations instead of the 2.  I was so excited for her once we finished the restorations, and she was over the moon with the result!

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