New Patients 704-486-8911

Current Patients 704-596-6767

3014 Baucom Rd #100 Charlotte, NC 28269

Dentistry Of The Queen City Smile Gallery Gay


What an absolute joy to work with Gay to give her the smile she has always wanted. Gay had always had really dark teeth due to a type of stain from a medication, called Tetracycline, as a child. It had always been a part of her smile and identity. Over the years while the stain persisted, the function of her teeth was off and as a result she ended up wearing the front teeth down. With the wear and the stain, it finally got to the point where she wanted to restore and enhance her smile. Through porcelain crowns, veneers and bridges we were able to restore her smile to one that not only functions as it should but also looks amazing. Now she can’t stop smiling to show off her new smile.