New Patients 704-486-8911
Current Patients 704-596-6767
3014 Baucom Rd #100 Charlotte, NC 28269
Do you ever wonder why sometimes a tooth or a teeth that have been fixed continue to break in the exact same way that they did prior to being fixed? I do too! One thing I cannot stress enough to our patients is “the why”. As in “WHY” does this tooth keep breaking! This patient had some edges of his front teeth that chipped over time and were repaired by his previous dentists, only to find them chip again. Immediately we were able to see that this patient bruxes or grinds his teeth and that yes, we can fix the chips and we can fix the broken edges but how can we be sure that it doesn’t happen again as soon as he leaves our office and heads back up to NYC the next day to continue his journey to becoming the next great American pastry chef! By adding composite to his canines to make sure his teeth disclude and have a proper transition from his canines to his front teeth we can limit the amount of force he is able to put on the edges of his front teeth. This allows us to not only repair the edges but also give him back the contours of the teeth he has worn away so that his function is back to the way it used to be. This will make it so when he goes out to the side like we know he can and does, his edges will not slam together and break. The next thing we will plan to do is to figure out another “why” – why he is grinding his teeth in the first place which we plan to do upon his return to NC.
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