New Patients 704-486-8911

Current Patients 704-596-6767

3014 Baucom Rd #100 Charlotte, NC 28269

Dentistry Of The Queen City Smile Gallery Terryn


This patient had veneers that were done several year ago and wanted to get a refresh.   This case is so great because it really showed how we pay attention to the details of your smile design.  It is all the little questions like, where do we place the incisal edge of your teeth? How round do we make the corners of the restorations? How far from the gum tissue do the teeth need to touch? How long should the teeth be? And so many more.  The difference is in the details, and this is why when we help you create or re-create your smile, we can predictably tell you “It is going to look amazing!”

Ceramic restorations, masterfully created by Shoji Suruga, CDT, AAACD @BVDL

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