New Patients 704-486-8911

Current Patients 704-596-6767

3014 Baucom Rd #100 Charlotte, NC 28269

Dentistry Of The Queen City Smile Gallery Tom


What a fun time we had completing this case!  Not only because of the level of dentistry it required to complete, but also because most of the time this patient had me doubled over with laughter.   This patient wanted to fix his teeth in a way that allowed him to function and smile like he used to.  Due to the amount his dentition had broken down over the years, working with Dr. Bart Farrell @Carolinaoralsurgery, we elected to start with a clean slate and give him his teeth and smile back. 

With the use of implants to hold his upper and lower prosthetics in place, and the smile design principles we implemented we were able to deliver an exceptional result that both the patient and I were extremely proud of.   

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